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Showing posts from February, 2014

Two Important Tips to remember when Interviewing

Where should you start? Ever wonder how you can interview better? Not sure who you are meeting with and how you should act? Not sure what you can do to better prepare? Well, I can help with 2 important reminders.   Tip #1 Act the interview!  Imagine being in a conversation with a friend. You both have the same tone, facial gestures, hand gestures, and way of speaking You can maintain rapport through similarities when speaking to another person. The sense of ease when talking with one another and the same mood is called mirroring.  Establishing good rapport is important when interviewing and it may make the difference in getting an offer or not getting the offer. People usually hire people they like.  Apply the mirroring technique to help you make everyone feel at ease with the conversation taking place.  Observing body language, including posture, hand gestures, facial expressions, tone, volume and rate of speech, and applying it to yourself.  ...

Remember the Five Keys to Success

Remember the Five Keys to Success By Alicia Pozsony I believe that those of us out of work have to have the very same qualities it takes to become our own boss, because we  are  our own boss in the business of networking, job searching, and selling ourselves. Imagine yourself an entrepreneur. What do you need to succeed? According to a recent article on Web site — http:// Entrepreneurs-Succeed---The-5- Qualities-Needed-For-Business- Success&id=22948 —there are five qualities that all entrepreneurs share that are the keys to their business success. See how they apply to your own job search: Desire       You must have a desire to break into the workforce or out of the average nine-to-five in an economy as tough as today’s and to put your ideas, ideals, and beliefs into action. Desire is the one key strength that forces entrepreneurs to stay ahead of competitors. Positivity      ...