Sure, you want to come across strong and confident to land that job you found, right? But how do you do it? I can help you to kick start that same process. Celebrities, Athletes, Entrepreneurs and Professionals are all promoting their personal brand to achieve success and access their greater potential. It's everywhere you look. Often times, people are even paying lots of money to get it identified for them. If I asked you to tell me "What is the one thing that you uniquely offer your next company?", can you answer it? Steven Cuoco, proven Intuitive Publicist of United Angels Dream and best selling author invites us to ask ourselves, "do I believe in what I am selling? Is what I am selling really worth my time to make someone else happy, and will the company recognized it or not? Who am I and do I truly know who I am?" Most people in the world search for power and stability in all the wrong places....
Wisdom to Help You - by a Life Coach, Career Coach , Radio Host of Resilient YOU with Alicia Pozsony