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How to Get Hired and Paid More

I have been exposed to the job market for, dare I say it,   F-I-F-T-E-E-N years.   
As a result, I am at the point in my life where I want to apply what I have learned and help others, like you! 

I am a qualified Personal Performance & Corporate and Executive Career Coach and can help you with developing the confidence and direction in life that you need.  

There are a few guidelines I always recommend, regardless of the role you are in now or wish to aspire to.     To  get hired or promoted, you have to be sure your do a few things :

1.  FIND the RIGHT BALANCE of your  professional   skills along  with the right soft skills.   Knowing how to talk to people at all levels will take you far!  Go to professional groups, networking events within your industry or area to brush up on your communication and social skills. 

2. KNOW WHEN TO GET A SECOND OPINION.  When you have a doubt know that other have been in your shoes. Asking a trusted colleague is always a good first step to get validation  or caution about the step or action you are about to take.   A career coach is good resource for this, as well! 

3. Do YOUR   RESEARCH.   Browse job  ads using your keywords  or job specialties  to see what role you would best fit into. is also a good resource for industry information and  feedback on positions a different companies.   (What would we do without the  Internet?!)

You have to know where your comfort level is so that you can step OUTSIDE of it. That is the only way to grow.    Successful people have  been doing this for centuries.  
Use a Professional Career Coach to  revisit situations and find ways to learn how to grow.

High performance is what we all really strive for, know it or not.   Whether in your day job or  in your relationship with those you are close to, we all aim to be good at what we do on a daily  basis   so that we can feel good  about ourselves and continue to be liked.  

They key to your success, personal or professional, is to measure your performance.  Take time to analyze how you measure up. 

A Personal Evaluation, resume refresh, and counseling   to make sure you are heading in the right direction will help you with developing the confidence and attitude that will make it easier for you to get any job you want.

Doing these few simple things will ensure you accept what is waiting for you -  the next step in your life .  Act now!

email, or 
call (609) 341-8525 for a free consultation.


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