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How to be Calmer & More Productive in your Daily Grind

This past week after a long summer I was able to take a 3 day weekend dedicated to pure
relaxation and pampering away from home and all that came with it.  Before that, the summer had been full of my "mom" duties in the home while working full time, making sure the physical and emotional needs of my kids and partner were met, kids travel baseball, chauffeuring to and from day camps and my own full time job.  Exhausting, riggghhht?!

I know the 3 days away worked because when I returned to work on Tuesday, I felt like I missed a whole week of work when I actually missed only 1 day!       

I have read that escaping to nature can be like entering another realm altogether. I believe this is true. When the body is in a calm place, the mind and spirit follow. 

Ever notice when you are out in nature the air is clearer? The open spaces make you feel like you did when you were in your youth. You may realize you even want to run and play which will lead to better oxygen in your blood to your brain and ultimately to a sense of calm and joy.  

While in nature or in the woods, your thoughts change and your mind drifts to thoughts that are more clear. You feel calmer and more purpose driven.  When you arrive at the ocean, you smell the salt air and begin to feel a sense of calm or even, nostalgia wash over you. That nostalgia might remind you of a time when you were young, when you had less to deal with and less to worry about. 

Reconnecting with that inner YOU can help you be more creative and have more balance in your life to live a fuller happier YOU

Personally, I have practiced finding calm in my days, whether it is 5 minutes in the morning over a cup of coffee or tea with no interruptions, journaling, or taking a walk outside as an intentional emotional tool, but taking an intentional extended break away from home for longer can really make a difference. That means, deciding to make the time worthwhile and ensure it benefits you. If you like to exercise, make it happen. If you like reading, get a new book and read. If you like seeing new places, choose a place you may not know is near you and explore!

Travel allows your mind to see different things and allows your spirit to soar above the mundane and stressful things wearing you down.  It can be as simple as doing something different like taking a drive to a different place, or a train ride through the countryside, or even going to your local park (and leaving your phone or device in the car!).  

When you allow your spirit to be rejuvenated, you can be calmer and more productive when you get back to the daily grind!    

I hope you enjoyed this weeks blog.
 In Peace,
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Listen to Resilient YOU ! with Alicia Pozsony on Power 98.5 FM Satellite Radio for more tips and inspiration!



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