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How to be Happier...

Where do you find Happiness?
Ask these questions: 

1.Does money buy happiness? 
92% of people say yes according to Mindful Magazine's August 2022 Issue. (Now I don't feel so alone!) 

 2. Is happiness a state of mind? 
76% of people say no according to Mindful Magazine's August 2022 Issue. (Now I don't know what to think!) 

3. Does Happiness depend on external circumstances? 
71% of people say yes according to Mindful Magazine's August 2022 Issue. 

Therefore, we learn one thing: People have opinions! We may not ever really be able to decide if money buys Happiness but what do we know some things work that don't COST anything! 

Practicing Mindfulness can help you FEEL happy. 
You can do this by s-l-o-w-i-n-g down and enjoying life around you. Be in the moment. Put the phone down. This will help you connect with the here and now, and worry less about things you cannot control, offsetting your inner peace. 

Practicing Positivity. In my last Blog post, I mentioned to think of 3 good positive thoughts for every negative one to reset your brain. It works! Give it a try and comment below about your experience! 

Get out in Nature. Appreciate the energy, the sounds, the sights, the changes around you. You will begin to find peace in the beauty around you and reset yourself from the distractions and stress of life. Go for a walk, or a bike ride. Visit places you love like the beach or the mountains. You will feel lighter and more balanced. 

Imagine your inner self... that little person you once were. When we imagine our little boy or girl, we can see things from a different perspective. We see things with more color, more clarity, simplicity and in a better way! 

Remember loved ones...Relationships can be difficult. Including the one you have with yourself!! Take time to remember those who were close to you, and those who may have passed. Remembering how you were cared for, or cared about helps you to take the edge off of whatever is going on. Write them a letter, or take time to speak to them. Reflect on the advise the may give you. 

Take care of your inner self... I can't say it enough. Make time for you and if you need to, write down those things that help you. It could be 5 minutes of quiet time, eating healthy or exercising, or it could even be watching a show you like or playing soduku or a puzzle game. Be mindful of what healthy things you tend to do- set those boundaries so people in your life understand the time will help you be better for you ad for them.

All things are not equal and that includes each of us!  Its important to learn how to talk to each other and listen. I mean really listen. You don't know how easy it is to start thinking of a reply in your head before the other person is talking. Or how about shutting down when you think you are hearing what the other person is saying?  It is NOT EASY to listen with your whole self with out responding.  Give it a try next time, and if its an especially passionate conversation, it will be well worth doing something different to see how it turns out. Taking turns to listen will make all the difference in  the outcome, and how you both FEEL. 

Here's to greater Happiness for us ALL!

Share, subscribe and comment below! 


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