Whether you are The Shy One, The Drama Queen, The Jock or The One That's Always Up To No Good (you know who you are), but especially the one who always gets hurt... I want you to have better days.
I'll say it again. I want YOU to have better days!
We have all heard that Stress is bad for us. Well, here are some wonderful things you can do (Yes, you Can do them!) to help let go of stress.
This is My gift to you today.
101 ways you can let go of stress listed in COLOR so you can have a colorful life! Try them and comment below.
- make lists
- take a deep breath-breathe in peace and breathe out stress
- exercise
- sing a song
- eat right & eat good foods
- call a friend
- laugh at yourself
- ask for help
- smile
- set goals within your reach
- take breaks
- put first things first
- share the workload
- spend time each day getting rid of clutter
- have a hobby
- keep noise down
- talk things out
- think about a peaceful place
- learn to relax
- budget time and money
- take a deep breath
- massage tense muscles
- reward yourself
- go out for lunch
- meditate
- set limits
- focus on good thoughts
- count to 10
- feel your feelings then let them go
- do neck rolls
- work as a team
- believe in others
- believe in yourself
- enjoy the small things
- be kind
- cry if you want
- remember: time does heal
- go for checkups
- take a walk
- put things in their place
- be Flexible
- s t r e t c h often
- control your weight
- set deadlines that you can meet
- don't sweat the small stuff
- learn to say "no"
- forgive and forget
- use the right tools
- don't put things off
- think about your joys
- encourage others
- get up earlier
- volunteer
- see problems as challenges
- love others
- love yourself
- stop and smell the roses (literally)
- never drink and drive
- screen your calls
- avoid needless meetings
- give hugs
- accept hugs
- seek out positive people
- be faithful
- read good books
- remember your triumphs
- tell a joke
- laugh often
- go fishing
- tell someone you love them
- share your feelings
- think about all the good things you've done
- daydream
- dance
- play with your dog or pet your cat
- do some yoga s t r e t c h e s
- give a gift to someone
- give a gift to yourself
- close your eyes
- take up knitting or crocheting
- list your blessings
- listen to a song that brings back great memories
- write a poem or letter
- paint or color
- sit by a fire
- look at a candle for five minutes
- have a cup of tea
- read something funny
- do something good for others
- do something good for yourself
- take a nap
- watch a sunset
- watch a sunrise
- do one thing at a time
- take one day at a time
- listen
- s t r e t c h
- take a warm bath
- Take a cool shower
- tense and release major muscles
- play
Still feeling stressed? You can use the book Emotional Strength Explained to work through your primary stressors.
Also, listen to my Radio Show Resilient YOU where all walks of life tell their stories and how they stay Resilient and RISE above the stress!
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