Keys to happiness, joy, peace and comfort are all around us. IF you take time to find them! If you are more joyful, things may come easier to you. IF things are easy, you can do more, If you can do more, you can earn more money, IF you can earn more money, you can rest easier, and so on and so on...
Looking at my keyboard I noticed the plus and equal sign are on the same key which means the more you do the more results you'll get. Imagine you are pressing that key now, literally and figuratively. What does it look like?
To the left of that is a minus key and also a minus (okay, maybe it's an underscore but for all intensive purposes means the same thing) if you're negative you'll get Negative in return. Can you press that key now/ What does it cause to happen in your life? Are you upset? Are you upsetting another person?
I also noticed there's a backspace key... it's kind of like an ability to take a step back and look at ourselves. Pres it now. What if you could take back something you said or did. We are not perfect, WE can change the course of our lives at any moment if we try.
Above them is some function keys which serve a certain purpose if used the right way. This equates to the knowledge we pick up along the way and then the ability to use them when needed. --> This is not so easy in our everyday life. How do you need to apply special keys in certain situations?
Also there are some special orange keys that signify delete, power, lock the PC and the screen. Interestingly enough, these all resonate with me:
Delete means I can throw anything away that does not provide me joy. What do you need to delete from this moment (and don't say my blog!)? From your day? From your life?PC means power down. I can take a break and rest whenever I need to. Are you noticing when you need a break. Take it so you can recharge.PC also means power up and get going when needed. We all have those moments when we notice we should be doing something. Be more mindful and just press that key to get into action, no matter how small.Lock the PC means setting boundaries and keeping them. Imagine you lock the thing you need to keep safe. Maybe its a part of yourself , maybe its a time in your life, maybe its a recurring situation that you want to gain balance over. Press that key and learn to set and keep the boundaries for peace in your life!
The screen means take a step back from all the doing and look around to enjoy the beauty and blessings. We all have our own journey and the story of our life can be seen from our minds eye like a movie. Is your story what you want it to be? Believe you can make small changes to work toward bigger ones. If you can believe you can achieve.
I know there's even more keyboard key meanings. (What else can you find?!?!)
It just goes to show if you look at things with A New Perspective it can provide great value for living Better!
You don't have to just go through it, You can GROW through it!
Copyright Alicia Pozsony 2021
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