The other day I was contemplating whether to visit my mother who has cognitive decline - dementia. I wondered if it'd be a good day with her where she'd be able to hold a conversation, eat and drink normally or on the other hand, if instead, she'd ask the same questions over and over, not understand she just ate and was not still hungry, or not be able to tell me if she had to go to the bathroom. With dementia or Alzheimer's patients they have different stages and it's often harder on the loved ones than it is on them. This brought me to a question.
What if I just didn't go this week?
If I didn't go, I'd torment myself wondering how she was doing, wondering if I did the right thing or not, and ideally, I'd suffer worse than if I went and had to deal the the unpleasant.
I came to the conclusion that I'd suffer if I didn't go. This idea brought me to this:
Facing suffering offers you an alternative path.
Facing our suffering offers an alternative and a direct path to a better outcome.
A deeper wisdom will come to you if you are willing to face your challenges and suffering to bring you to joy and love. It's true.
I don't want to do it!
Imagine a time you didn't want to do something. Maybe its getting up early to exercise. You hit the snooze button, and you decide to catch another 5 minutes of sleep. All this is to avoid the suffering - the shock of feeling tired when you first wake up.
Now, what if you did it?
If you did get up, you'd immediately feel better because you accomplished something. You stuck to your goal. (which by the way, was set to be more healthy) And because you wanted to exercise to get healthier, you actually accomplished more than one thing. By facing the suffering, you open yourself up to BETTER.
Remember the wise owl from the TV commercial? (It's also available on YouTube) He asked the question. How many licks does it take to get to the center of the lollipop. Now, lets be honest... you and I both know he wanted to bit into that lollipop. And he does after just three bites. He will never really know the answer. You can apply the same idea to your own actions.
Stop binging shows on Netflix or watching YouTube, distracting yourself with social media, or going shopping, eating, drinking, or gossiping, and instead Feel your Feelings and strive toward a more authentic happy feeling.
Remember you don't have to Just Go Through it, you can Grow through it!
Use Emotional Strength Explained to work through your issues and find Joy Today!
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