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Top New Year's Resolution for 2023

Top New Year's Resolution for 2023

Guess what? This year you are still the same You that you were in 2022.

Does that worry you?

No need to worry unless you are not ready to ACT NOW!

I promise you can have a NEW YOU with a little work and self care. So how can you get there?

It's easy. Use the C word. No, not THAT word, Commit. Commit to living a softer life and one that gives back to you.

Now, take a minute and imagine yourself just feeling good about anything that you face. The demanding friend, partner or boss? Imagine feeling calm in the face of adversity and not REACTING, not OVERTHINKING.

YES, it is possible.

If you have heard me and other experts on my show talking about how they attain the level they have reached, it will prompt you to strive for better.

My practices and approaches are simple and quite timely, too!

This year I am asking you to Resolve to better you.  It's common among all generations... and really quite popular!

Take a look at this article that cites a survey that more GenZ will commit to their mental health this year.
50% Of Gen Z Cite This Health Improvement As A Top New Year’s Resolution For 2023
The beginning of a new year ushers in the opportunity for change. Goal-setters flock to the gym, challenges like Dry January and Whole30 take social media by storm and supplements fly off store shelves. But this year, a different ambition is topping the resolution list, especially among young people: an improvement in mental health.
That’s according to a new Forbes Health/OnePoll survey of 1,005 U.S. adults conducted November 18 to November 22. The survey found that overall, 45% of respondents noted an improvement in mental health as one of their top New Year’s resolutions, compared to 39% who said improved fitness, 37% who want to lose weight and 33% who cited improved diet.
Those numbers climb even higher when looking at the proportion of younger respondents who are prioritizing their mental well-being in the new year—half of those between the ages of 18 and 25 and 49% of those between the ages of 26 and 41 cited improved mental health as a top resolution. That’s compared to 33% of 18 to 25 year-olds and 30% of 26 to 41-year olds who listed improved diet as a top goal. The survey findings suggest a cultural shift in what Americans value when it comes to wellness, pushing back against the idea that health is measured simply by the number on the scale.

Where do you want to be in 2023?

You can reach out to me for Life Coaching Sessions and also listen to my Resilient YOU for exciting Tips and Tricks to improve yourself and gain emotional strength to be more Resilient! 

Remember -
You don't have to just go through it, you can GROW through it in 2023! 

In Love and Light 


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