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Did you know that you have a gift?

(Originally published by Alicia Pozsony   Keynote Speaker, Speaker Coach, Career Coach, Radio Journalist, Award Winning Author, Risk & Compliance Manager, Process Improvement, Prior Host on Power 98.5 on LinkedIn on  July 26, 2024 )  Have you ever stopped to think about your unique story? The moments that shaped you, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the dreams that keep you moving forward? Too often, we underestimate the power of our own experiences and the gifts we carry within us. But today, I want you to take a moment and realize that you have a gift—something truly unique and invaluable that the world needs to hear. The beginning of my Power your Life Program is to look at your amazing self. I invite you to do that today! Embracing Your Journey Every one of us has a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. These experiences are not just random events; they are the building blocks of our story. They have equipped us with insights, resilience, and perspectives tha
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