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Showing posts from August, 2022

How to be Calmer & More Productive in your Daily Grind

This past week after a long summer I was able to take a 3 day weekend dedicated to pure relaxation and pampering away from home and all that came with it.  Before that, the summer had been full of my "mom" duties in the home while working full time, making sure the physical and emotional needs of my kids and partner were met, kids travel baseball, chauffeuring to and from day camps and my own full time job.  Exhausting , riggghhht?! I know the 3 days away worked because when I returned to work on Tuesday, I felt like I missed a whole week of work when I actually missed only 1 day!        I have read that escaping to nature can be like entering another realm altogether. I believe this is true. When the body is in a calm place, the mind  and spirit follow.  Ever notice when you are out in nature the air is clearer ? The open spaces make you feel like you did when you were in your youth. You may realize you even want to run and play which...


Keys to happiness, joy, peace and comfort are all around us. IF you take time to find them! If you are more joyful, things may come easier to you. IF things are easy, you can do more, If you can do more, you can earn more money, IF you can earn more money, you can rest easier, and so on and so on... Looking at my keyboard I noticed the plus and equal sign are on the same key which means the more you do the more results you'll get. Imagine you are pressing that key now, literally and figuratively. What does it look like? To the left of that is a minus key and also a minus (okay, maybe it's an underscore but for all intensive purposes means the same thing) if you're negative you'll get Negative in return . Can you press that key now/ What does it cause to happen in your life? Are you upset? Are you upsetting another person? I also noticed there's a backspace key ... it's kind of like an ability to take a step back and look at ourselves . Pres it now. What if yo...

Face Your Suffering to arrive at a Better Outcome

The other day I was contemplating whether to visit my mother who has cognitive decline - dementia. I wondered if it'd be a good day with her where she'd be able to hold a conversation, eat and drink normally or on the other hand, if instead, she'd ask the same questions over and over, not understand she just ate and was not still hungry, or not be able to tell me if she had to go to the bathroom.   With dementia or Alzheimer's patients they have different stages and it's often harder on the loved ones than it is on them. This brought me to a question.  What if I just didn't go this week?  If I didn't go, I'd torment myself wondering how she was doing, wondering if I did the right thing or not, and ideally, I'd suffer worse than if I went and had to deal the the unpleasant. I came to the conclusion that I'd suffer if I didn't go.  This idea brought me to this:  Facing suffering offers you an alternative path. Facing our suffering offers an al...

101 Ways to let go of Stress

Whether you are The Shy One, The Drama Queen, The Jock or The One That's Always Up To No Good (you know who you are), but  especially  the one who always gets hurt... I want you to have better days.          I'll say it again. I want YOU to have better days!   We have all heard that Stress is bad for us. Well, here are some wonderful things you can do (Yes, you Can do them!) to help let go of stress.   This is  My gift to you today.   101 ways you can let go of stress listed in COLOR so you can have a colorful life!     Try them and comment below.                    m ake lists                  take a deep breath-breathe in peace and br...